save the date friday 7th - Sunday 9th June


After another hugely successful summer of volunteering, The Big Help Out has now finished for this year.

Almost 6.5 million people across the UK took part in The Big Help Out weekend. From litter picks, planting, making gifts for veterans, family fun days, and painting lidos, we saw the UK come out to lend a hand. To everyone who joined in – thank you; you’ve made a huge positive impact! We would love to hear your feedback.

The Big Help Out will be back in 2025 – click here to register now to be the first to hear about it later this year.


Thank You For Lending A Hand!

We’ve been busy crunching the numbers and we’re thrilled to share The Big Help Out 2024 impact statistics!

Almost 6.5 million people across the UK participated in The Big Help Out on the weekend from the 7th – 9th of June 2024.**


79% of participants met someone from a different background to themselves. This included meeting people from different religious, cultural, social and ethnic backgrounds.***


79% of participants said they were much more likely to volunteer since the BHO.***


For 76% of participants, the Big Help Out made them feel a stronger sense of belonging in their community. ***


A massive thank you to everybody who joined in with The Big Help Out Weekend this June. It was fantastic to see people coming together to lend a hand in their communities to experience how rewarding volunteering can be, and the power it has to make a change.

Stay tuned for how to get involved with The Big Help Out 2025!

There’s never been a better time to join in, lend a hand, and make a change


*Walnut Omnibus polling 3rd-7th of May 2024.

**  Walnut Omnibus polling 7th – 10th June 2024.

***Walnut Omnibus polling 11th – 13th June 2024.

Volunteering Categories

Just like last year, there are volunteering opportunities to suit helping hands of all shapes and sizes,
and a chance for volunteer-involving organisations of every kind to lend a hand.

The Community icon showcases a blue hand holding a green striped object through an orange pipe.


The Animal Welfare icon captures a cartoon dog, characterized by its exaggerated features, notably its tongue playfully sticking out.

Animal Welfare

The Older People icon showcases a green hand holding an orange teapot with a white flower at the center.

Older People

The Health & Social Care icon presents a blue hand holding a basket.

Health & Social Care

The Crisis & Welfare icon showcases a green hand securely holding an orange and blue can.

Crisis & Welfare

The Young People & Children icon presents 2 thumbs-up symbols, each rendered in distinct colors: green and blue.

Young People & Children

The Sports icon includes a blue hand, firmly balancing an orange basketball on one finger.


The Sustainability & Environment icon carefully highlights the act of cleanliness, with a blue hand throwing a green bottle in an orange bin.

Sustainability & Environment

The Arts & Culture icon showcases a blue hand playing an orange piano.

Arts & Culture

Official partners of The Big Help Out

ASDA Partner
dpd logo
Compare the Market Logo with Meerkat

Who's lending a hand?

Department for Culture, Media & Sport
Rotary Great Britain & Ireland Logo
British Reed Cross Logo
Gril Guiding Logo
Royal Voluntary Service Logo
yha Logo
Ramblers Logo
Volunteering Matters Logo
St John Ambulance Logo
Scouts Logo
age UK Logo
Cat Protection
National Trust Logo
Guide Dogs Logo
Stroke Association Logo
Samaritans Logo
The Conservation Volunteers Logo
together Logo
citizens advice Logo
the trussell trust Logo
Lifeboats Logo
nct Logo
The countryside charity Logo
Barnardo's Logo
Cruse Logo
Papworth Trust Logo
Community Fund Logo
Canal & River Trust Logo
Sea Cadets Logo
Bookmark Change a child's story
Green circular logo of Dogs For Good
Ocean Outdoor